Sunshine Award

the sunshine blog award

Wow, I’m Walken on Sunshine. Thanks to David Peretta for nominating me for the Sunshine Award.

David has an excellent selection of film critique over at Black is white which I frequently enjoy. So head on over and follow this master of auteur critique where you are sure to find what you’re looking for and probably something even more. My eleven nominees in no particular order are;


Not Now I’m Drinking a Beer and Watching a Movie

Jordan and Eddie (The Movie Guys)


The sporadic chronicles of a beginner blogger


Righteous Cinema

Muzica de Film

Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews

Hello, Fig


Violet’s Veg*n e-Comics

11 Random facts about myself

1. My favorite film at the moment is Persona

2. My got to drink is lemon cordial

3. Almost everything I own is vintage because I’m poor

4. I can’t live without my expensive and comfortable bed

5. I have a phobia of ginga’s

6. I own a pc.

7. My favorite cuisine is fresh organic and free range food flavored by herbs

8.  I don’t know what pois are

9. I’m extremely proud of my daughter

10. I prefer still water to sparkling.

11. I like lesbian hair styles.


Eleven questions for my nominees

1. What’s your favorite film?

2. Car or public transport?

3. Do you have any pets?

4. What would you take to a zombie apocalypse?

5. Liberal, democrat or independent?

6. What’s your favorite music festival?

7. what’s your favorite film festival?

8. Clubs or pubs?

9. How many languages can you speak?

10. Most embarrassing moment?

11. Most fun you’ve ever had?

I would like to thank David Peretta  for inspiring me to fall even further in love with film and for his never ending support. To all of those I have nominated, thank you for your support as well, I look forward to reading all of your posts.

8 thoughts on “Sunshine Award

    1. Np you deserve it. I like reading your posts, you have an interesting writing style and excellent taste in film.

      I am heavily into Bergman, but for me it is probably because I feel that I can personally relate to his storytelling style.

      Like you said, “everyone brings their baggage”, to their opinions of film.

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